July 2, 2016

I'm in an Etsy Halloween Treasury!!!

It's pretty cool when strangers promote your art! Esmeralda the Party Witch (in black) has been featured in an Etsy Halloween treasury! Click on link below and see for yourself! Cool beans!!!!

She's for sell in my Etsy store here!

April 17, 2016

Nicol Sayre Goodies!

I'm an avid collector of Nicol Sayre's creations.She's my absolute fave dollmaker! Here are some pics in my studio I'd like to share.

Alright, alright so I'm the world's worst procrastinator! Unfortunately my PTSD symptoms having been kicking my butt. Soon folks soon as I can feel the need to sculpt coming on. I just don't know what direction I should take.  This kind

or this kind

or this kind

or this kind                                    

or any of these?
 Errrrrrr??? I like to sculpt all kinds of folk art.  Are there any other artists out there who gets stuck for long periods of time or who is unable to find a signature art theme?

January 13, 2016

Happy New Year!

   Thank God for the new year! So much has happened and continues to happen that has hurt our hearts for  ourselves and others! I look to my Creator for strength and comfort as well as to my loved ones.  I often question God as to the whys of the evils of this world. I guess I just have to believe in His sovereignty as the answer.

I had almost given up the doll making side of things as I sometimes feel like a doll(nut) and sometimes I don't! I will probably continue to create sculpts but with a different style and theme to them. I wish I could share more with you but I can say that I have been purchasing a lot of mini tinsel and German glass glitter so I am  headed in a different direction. I may be starting a new blog with links from here relating to the direction I  am headed. I will let you know as my ideas blossom and become reality.

 Just a hint from these pics is what I  have for now. I am researching domains and trademarks and the like so it is a big change for me. Please pray that my creativity blossoms like a rosebud in the spring.

I'm happy to be back and look forward to many new posts with my progress. xoxo, Jan